This week’s Featured Poet: McGuire

McGuire: “A thin 26 year old Glaswegian man, touch giddy in the head, sometimes poet of mangled form and dirty prose, sporadic drummer, drunken grammarian, waffler, painter using crayons, lover, hater, learner, teacher, pedestrian, provocateur, wanderer, confronter of shadows, irritating whine. Studied global politics at Caledonian University, has worked a colourful mish mash of menial jobs(postman/salmon farmer/), been writing articles for freepress for years, but now focuses most of his time teaching TESOL in the city of Glasgow. Has been writing poetry for best part of twenty years. He has just produced a book of poetry and short stories called ‘Important Nonsense: scraps from a Glaswegian immaturity.’
He intends to start reading when he gets over his fear.”
McGuire blogs at Notes from a Glaswegian Immaturity.


Little bird
upon the branch
you have no
National Insurance
number and that
is beautiful.
You fly, live die
and cannot be arrested.

(This poem also appeared in Read This Issue 13)

Want to see YOUR poems featured here? Send me an email with a few poems — no less than three — to I always like to hear from you so get scribbling!

(Photo by Stormlover2007)

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2 Responses to “This week’s Featured Poet: McGuire”

  1. Tosha Jubert Says:

    Hello, I looked for this web site on Msn and wanted to state thanks for the superb read. We would have to agree with it, thank you again!

  2. Valentina Says:

    Ooh, Janice Galloway. Nice link, thank you for sharing it.And Glasgow, and the raaliwy, and rain? I chose to live in Glasgow for the climate. It makes me attractively snarly and passive aggressive and constantly, ever so slightly, damp… I tell you, the men on the the clockwork orange cannot resist my humid frizzy charms. Glasgow’ll make a poet of me yet!